BJJ Weight Classes for IBJJF/AFBJJ/QBJJC

Most of the competitions/tournaments that our members enter are part of the Queensland Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Circuit (QBJJC). The QBJJC is affiliated with the Australian Federation of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (AFBJJ) which is in turn part of the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF). It is therefore the official IBJJF weight classes that most concern CAZA members.

Note that these BJJ competition weight classes are the absolute limit permitted at your weigh-in time. You are weighed fully dressed in your uniform and no flexibility will be offered from officials if you ‘miss weight’.

Men’s BJJ Weight Classes

Weight Divisions Adult/Masters Gi Adult/Masters No Gi
Rooster 57.5 kg 55.5 kg
Light Feather 64 kg 61.5 kg
Feather 70 kg 67.5 kg
Light 76 kg 73.5 kg
Middle 82.3 kg 79.5 kg
Medium Heavy 88.3 kg 85.5 kg
Heavy 94.3 kg 91.5 kg
Super Heavy 100.5 kg 97.5 kg
Ultra Heavy No weight limit No weight limit
Open Class Open to all weights Open to all weights

Women’s BJJ Weight Classes

Weight Divisions Adult/Masters Gi Adult/Masters No Gi
Rooster 48.5 kg 46.5 kg
Light Feather 53.5 kg 51.5 kg
Feather 58.5 kg 56.5 kg
Light 64 kg 61.5 kg
Middle 69 kg 66.5 kg
Medium Heavy 74 kg 71.5 kg
Heavy 79.3 kg 76.5 kg
Super Heavy No weight limit No weight limit
Ultra Heavy n/a n/a
Open Class Open to all weights Open to all weights

Juvenile Male BJJ Weight Classes

Weight Divisions Juvenile (Male) Gi Juvenile (Male) No Gi
Rooster 53.5 kg 51.5 kg
Light Feather 58.5 kg 56.5 kg
Feather 64 kg 61.5 kg
Light 69 kg 66.5 kg
Middle 74 kg 71.5 kg
Medium Heavy 79.3 kg 76.5 kg
Heavy 84.3 kg 81.5 kg
Super Heavy 89.3 kg 86.5 kg
Ultra Heavy No weight limit No weight limit
Open Class Depends on tournament Depends on tournament

Juvenile Female BJJ Weight Classes

Weight Divisions Juvenile (Female) Gi Juvenile (Female) No Gi
Rooster 44.3 kg 42.5 kg
Light Feather 48.3 kg 46.5 kg
Feather 52.5 kg 50.5 kg
Light 56.5 kg 54.5 kg
Middle 60.5 kg 58.5 kg
Medium Heavy 65 kg 62.5 kg
Heavy 69 kg 66.5 kg
Super Heavy No weight limit No weight limit
Ultra Heavy n/a n/a
Open Class Depends on tournament Depends on tournament

IBJJF rules apply equally whether you are at a local BJJ competition or competing for a world championship. Know which weight categories that may apply to you so you can decide which is appropriate without the need for radical diet changes.

Other Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Events

Other tournament and event organisers will have their own weight classes that you will need to consult when entering. That includes the ADCC (Abu Dhabi Combat Club) and Grappling Industries.

Visit our Grappling Industries weight divisions page for information on that organisation.

Tips on weight cutting

We have a post about weight cutting safely for students entering Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competitions where weigh-ins happen on the day of the event. If you have concerns about how to come in under your target weight, that post will help.

Weight cutting is never advised for children, so parents really should register their kids in a division that matches their natural weight.